Saturday 13 December 2014

Are you seriously trying to crack an interview??

       Everyone of you whoever have considered to crack an interview, first question yourself as "Am I seriously trying to crack an interview or not?". This question may seems to be very simple but actually it is not.The reason is that most of the people do not know why they want to crack the interview. There are different kinds of people who want the job for various purposes.
  • First category includes the people who try their level best to achieve the desired job.These are the one's who really need a job.They strive hard to crack the interview as their focus is on a specific goal.
  • Second category includes the people who are in dilemma. They can't choose the path in which they have to travel. They can't put their complete efforts in order to crack the interview as their goal is not specific.
  • Even though the job is not necessary, there are some crazy guys who try to prove their abilities and would like to say the rest of the world that they got a job.These crazy guys comes under third category.

       Based on the above categories, analyze yourself to make sure in which category you fall in. If you fall into the first category, you are in the right way and go ahead with this article.This may help you to understand the importance of interview and some of the tricks to crack it.

       If you belongs to the second category, it is the right time for you to understand and analyze your capabilities and interests. For example, if you are having better financial support then you can choose any of the higher degree courses or otherwise become an entrepreneur. There are so many opportunities in which you can explore your talent. But if the job is your primary goal, proceed with it. What ever may be the path, be on a single side and concentrate in order to achieve it.

       If you are in the third category, kindly don't proceed with your crazy attitude. Think a while before you proceed with this mindset because you are grabbing the opportunity of others who needs a job. Here a question arises in these crazy minds i.e. "If the needy person has the talent & skills, who stopped them in getting the job?". Please try to understand the necessity of the guys who really want the job. Even though needy person is talented, there are chances where he is considered after you. And if the intake is limited, he is neglected. In such cases your foolish behavior indirectly grabs the opportunity of a needy person. So guys be careful in your decision which has an impact on others life. Don't be silly.
Now let us have a brief description of an interview. What is an interview? Before knowing exactly what it is, i would like to share one important thing with you. Never try for a job for the sake of others. Because they may greet you if you get the job or they may laugh at you if you are failed to get the job. Neither greeting nor laugh are permanent but you are the person who has to withstand to whatever happens. If you get the job , you are one who enjoys the result or if you don't get it, you are the one who has to sufffer.
Interview: Interview is a process of evaluating a person in various aspects. It is an interaction between interviewer and candidate. Interviewer asks questions to evaluate the person such that whether he/she is suitable for that job.Candidate has to give relevant answers to the interviewer's questions. Interviewers look for two qualities from candidates.One is the candidates attire and another one is their skills. Attire includes your way of dressing,behavior and attitude. Skills include technical and non-technical stuff as per the job requirement.The people who are attending to the interview must be very confident.
Recruiters select the appropriate candidates for their job and they make use of these candidates to improve their company's growth in some or the other way. So it is to be noticed that company's growth is in the hands of employees and salaries are provided from the profits they have obtained because of the work done by the employees.By considering these facts,you also have to choose the best company that suits your abilities and that provides good work environment.
       In order to evaluate your skills,they will ask several kinds of questions.Some of them are:
  • Straight forward questions: These are the questions which can be answered directly with the knowledge you have. The questions may include asking about your background and about company,etc.

  • Behavioral questions: These questions are useful in knowing the candidate's attitude in a situation which was happened earlier.In these type of questions they may ask like "describe a situation which you have tackled effectively".

  • Situational questions: These are very important questions which are to be answered carefully. Recruiters play some tactics in asking these type of questions by which they can understand the nature of the candidate. They analyzes how candidate can able to handle a situation.Here they will give you a situation and asks about your reaction.

  • Stressful questions: Sometimes interviewers want to test the candidates mental stability and capture their response in a stressful condition. Generally this question is about the reaction of the candidate in a stressful situation.

  1. Take care of the dress you wear for any interview. The shirt should be of light color(recommended) and pant can be dark color. In-shirt is compulsory.
  2. Comb your hair neatly before coming to an interview.
  3. Try to be at the venue at the earliest possible because it makes you feel comfortable.
  4. Refer to the previously asked questions and also other questions as well.
  5. Know about the company for which you are attending.
  6. Give answer to every question politely. If you don't know the answer, do not hesitate to say "don't know".
  7. Give a firm shake hand if and only if they gives you.Otherwise just greet them with smile.

  1. Do not wear jeans. Wear formal dress which makes you look professionally.
  2. Do not apply body spray too much because some recruiters may not be convenient with the spray.Thus it will give negative impact on you.
  3. Do not prefer to wear dark color shirts
  4. For girls, do not wear sleeveless or t-shirts and avoid high heels.
  5. Do not argue with the recruiters for any issue. Don't use harsh language with the recruiters.
  6. Do not shake your legs. To avoid this, keep the file on your legs.

Tip: Cracking an interview depends on how you expose your talents. Even though you have good skills & talents but if you are failed to show them in the interview, then it is of no worth having those skills. Presentation of your abilities is the key factor in deciding your job. If you have ABCD , it is pretty much easier to achieve your goal. A->Attitude, B-> Behaviour, C-> Confidence, D-> Discipline.
      Some times even though we have tried our level best in all possible ways, we may not able to crack the interview.In such cases do not get depressed or disappointed. Consider the mistakes that you have made and correct those in the next interview.You will definitely get the job in some or the other day. Always be positive and live the life happily. All the best...!! :)

Thank you for reading this. Please provide your valuable suggestions as comments below....

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